We have just launched our site on Nov 10th, 2012 and we are happy you are here. You might ask yourself...Where did I end up?
Well, let's clarify that for you right now.
Our goal is to clarify what Bitcoin is, why you should care and what the future holds for this impressive technology.
This website is an information portal for providing the history, future and practical application of Bitcoins....with a Canadian perspective.
Therefore, first and foremost, lets clear up what Bitcoin is and isn't...
Bitcoin is
- Decentralized Digital Currency
- A simple means of sending money from person to person worldwide without any intermediate parties.
- Open 24hours a day...everyday.
- Based on a solid mathematical background that can be reviewed by anyone. It's an open source protocol. Bitcoin Source Material
- More convenient than using traditional forms of sending money over long distances.
Bitcoin isn't
- A central bank run currency...like any other currency available
- A fiat currency that can be inflated. See fiat currency.
- A closed system...anyone can open a Bitcoin wallet and begin saving, spending or trading Bitcoins.
In our followup postings, we will show you how to get started with this very interesting and different technology.