Bitcoin - An Official Currency
Bitcoin has passed another milestone this week. It was officially recognized by the US court system as a currency. From the official court documents here's an excerpt:
"Bitcoin is an electronic form of currency unbacked by any real asset and without specie, such as coin or precious metal."
"Therefore, Bitcoin is a currency or form of money, and investors
wishing to invest in BTCST provided an investment of money"
The power of this simple statement on an official court document within the US is staggering, this officially recognizes Bitcoin as a currency through the US legal system and paves the way to further legitimize and legalize this currency within the existing financial framework.
Source Link -
Additionally, as reported on BTCGeek, Bitcoin has now become listed as a currency on the internal Bloomberg terminal, the central data source for Wall Street. The report indicates that the currency is only available to employees for now but could be subject to further exposure shortly.
"This was overheard at the Satoshi Square last Monday coming from an employee at Bloomberg and our brilliant team at BTC Geek has now confirmed the same. Bloomberg employees can see the Bitcoin ticker under {XBT Crncy<GO>} on their Bloomberg terminal and look up it’s pricing."
It appears that Bitcoin continues to develop it's legitimacy within the existing legal and financial systems within the US. This is a surprising development for a fledgling currency without any central source, distributed among a computer network and only in existence for 4 years (Since 2009).